Be a sending church.

New and Renewing Churches desire that all congregations across Australia and New Zealand see themselves as either a sending church or a partner of a sending church. A sending church is a church that is intentional about sharing the gospel in their community and one that desires to plant churches that plant churches. Being a sending church is a journey. It’s a journey of missional renewal, forming teams of people who are in the ‘go’ space (we call them missional communities) and out of the missional communities forming a church planting team. If you’re interested in starting this journey, fill out the Expression of Interest form.

You can find more information about being a sending church in our booklet.

When God is up to something, there are times when he brings things together in a way only he can. I’ve always wanted to be part of an intentional missional church that existed more for those not in it because they don’t know Jesus as Lord and Saviour yet. It’s exciting to reflect on what God has been up to during the past couple years. So there’s no reason to doubt that he will continue to surprise us as he builds his kingdom using our congregation as a sending church with missional communities and willing servants as the workers in his harvest field. I’m just glad I get a front row seat and get to share this exciting news with others.

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sending or partner congregations


congregations missing all the action!