Expresssion of interest.

Thanks for visiting this page. Before you fill out the form indicating you’re interested in being a sending or partner church, here’s a recap of what they are and how they differ.

What is a sending church?

A sending church plants new churches. A sending church commits to:

  • pray for the Lord of the harvest to send labourers
  • provide missional training for the congregation
  • raise funds for launching and growing the church plant
  • support the church planting team
  • pray for the New and Renewing Churches team, and
  • communicate regularly with partner churches.

What is a partner church?

A partner church supports a sending church through prayer, encouragement, finances or people.

You can find more information about being a sending church or a partner church in our booklet.

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LCA/NZ congregations


sending or partner congregations


congregations missing all the action!