Ready to become a sending or partner church?

Great! You’re at the right place.

Becoming a sending church (a church planting church) or a partner church (supporting a church planting venture) is one of the intended outcomes of the Renew Mission Life journey.

Multiplying the people becoming Christians in your congregation and the small groups and ministries that support spiritual growth is an overall goal of the Renew Mission Life journey. Many congregations discover along the way that the numerical growth of their congregation leads to an overflow producing new congregations in nearby communities. This is what happened frequently in the Book of Acts. It happened because existing congregations were determined and intentional about taking the gospel to all people everywhere under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Being a church that multiplies starts with seeing yourself as such a church. This means that leaders tell God’s people the biblical story of mission and establish this gospel-centred vision as the reason why God has established his church.

If your congregation has completed the Renew Mission Life Leadership training consider stating your intention to lead your congregation towards a fruitful missional future by registering your congregation as a Sending Church or Partner Church.

Step 1

Renew Mission Life

You will gain tools to equip your congregation to be effective in local mission.

Step 2

Renew Mission Life

Sermons and bible studies will guide your congregation further into God’s mission.

Step 3

Renew Mission Life

You will learn how to form and equip teams who will go and reap the harvest.

Step 4

Renew Mission Life

You will learn how to reap the harvest.

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